The Blockchain is the New Avatar: A Decentralized World

Norbert Goffa
4 min readJan 14, 2020


How many times has history been falsified in order to create a positive image of the winners?”

During my adolescence, I loved history because I found those thrilling stories of great conquers and grand battles very intriguing. However, once I finished reading about the conquest of Alexander the Great, the construction of the Roman Empire, or the exciting adventures of great geographical discoveries, I began to ask myself, “why should I just believe everything that I read?”

I remember that my teacher wanted to send me out of a history lesson simply because I dared to presume that the writings could have contained false information. Despite the fact that he was trying to convince me that historical data proves the authenticity of the claims I had studied, I had just one question in mind: “Who was paying the chronicler?” How many other opinions regarding the outcome of certain battles were abolished by the winners? You don’t have to look very hard to find something that supports the validity of my assumptions. It’s enough to have a look at what is going on in today’s media.

It must also be noted that the current level of our technological development offers an even greater possibility of creating manipulated news media. The fact is, today not only written words but also spoken words can easily be manipulated, which implies that many people may become misled. Consequently, the enormous chaos created can result in tension and opposition which might even favour certain power interests.

So, what can the blockchain do about it? A technological innovation carrying the potential for unfalsifiable history can, in no time, change the way we look at our current world. Of course, these concepts are still far from being put into practice. However, the possibility is there. Needless to say, it’s not a coincidence that the world’s leading companies, banks and governments have started engaging in blockchain development. By going against their original standpoints, they are acknowledging the inevitability of this technological revolution.

When will the time come where we see blockchains take over control? What sort of control will it be, and who will be guiding the controlling? Can a transparent world be created, or will blockchain become the newest possibility to create even more credible lies? Will the combination of technological tricks and the common people’s lack of knowledge lead to an environment where the blockchain will be used to mislead people in an even trickier, more elaborate way? At the moment, we obviously don’t have to be strictly focusing on the possibility of conspiracies, but we ought to take such potential outcomes into account.

What is the basis of absolute transparency? How can we truly be sure of data transparency? The answer is very simple: We need to utilize an on-chain based decentralized system. In other words, the entire contents of the data must be stored within the block, and it shouldn’t be mixed with any sort of off-chain solution. In order to achieve it, countless challenges must be overcome since the ingenuity of the blockchain has thus far exceeded its practical potential. The conditions of decentralized data storage imply serious obstacles as cost efficiency and other security factors will bring along substantial challenges for us. The question remains, “who will solve these problems?”

Many projects, while considering practical aspects, decide to follow the absolute values of off-chain solutions in the realization of their blockchain developments. This wouldn’t be too much of a problem if the difference between on-chain and off-chain was clarified. Countless projects present their concepts to the average person as though these concepts were actually on-chain based data storage solutions. However, if we take a closer look at the concepts of these projects, we can easily come to the realization that we are dealing with instances of “false decentralization”.

In order to successfully implement decentralized data storage, you will need a protocol such as RIFT. Put differently, without an on-chain based solution to scalability, the data (files, videos, images) cannot become decentralized. The mini-block technology and asynchronization of the RIFT Protocol, together, create the possibility for the decentralization of large amounts of data. So, we no longer need to consider off-chain solutions as an option. This, however, doesn’t necessarily imply that the off-chain approach is wrong or worthless. It really isn’t! The off-chain based approach proves to be very useful in many instances. With that said, we also need to see that the genuine decentralized system — which everyone is talking about — cannot be solved by the off-chain approach.

At the ILCoin Development Team, we have created a technological concept that is currently possessing a unique basis. By taking full advantage of the benefits delivered by the RIFT Protocol, the Decentralized Cloud Blockchain (DCB) will work as a platform that allows for completely on-chain based data storage. This means that files, videos, and images will be within the block; offering the possibility of full data transparency.



Norbert Goffa
Norbert Goffa

Written by Norbert Goffa

I have a master degree in Management. I am the Co-founder and Executive Manager of ILCoin Blockchain Project.

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